Very rarely do we disassemble our game to find the flaws. We often look at how well we do in competition or in the gym and assume our game is as reliable as ever. Others may make small adjustments, but they are only surface details that make them look good for awhile...but eventually everything breaks down. Like cars, sometimes a quick look under your hood just won't cut it. There will be times when you will be rolling, wondering why your game is lacking that horsepower it once had. This is the perfect timing for a complete overhaul of your game...where you disassemble, and check every crevice and nook looking for all the holes and defects you can find. Once you give it a good once over, it is imperative that you allow someone else to look over it also. The key to getting better in jiu-jitsu is being aware of when you are about to plateau and trying to find the problem before it hits. The warning signs are always there, don't wait!