Monday, July 19, 2010

Is it necessary to "roll" in order to progress in BJJ??

This is a touchy subject for some. As a white belt, there have been many times I have said "I don't wanna roll anymore", this was basically due to fear and/or ego, after a brutal ass thrashing. I haven't said that to myself in almost 3 months, but the point I'm making is that jiu-jitsu practitioners who choose not to roll, choose not to for the wrong reasons. To get the ball rolling on this question, I will now give you my humble opinion. It is absolutely unacceptable to consistently choose not to roll in BJJ. I believe no matter what reason you are there for whether it is self defense, recreation, or should roll! Rolling is essential to progress in jiu-jitsu, it is like taking a quiz in grade school on your times tables or ABC's. You repeat them a million times, then your teacher test you on your ability to take it in or remember it. Until one day you can say your ABC's or do your times tables as well as you can breath. Rolling is mat time, and mat time is how you progress...point blank. Like I said earlier, if you look at rolling as a test and not a time to get your ass-kicked you will get so much out of it. Being tapped out or being controlled is a grading system, it tells you what you need to work on and if you ask questions you will eventually learn to defend yourself or apply the same technique. I think there are only a few exceptions to not rolling. You should not roll if you are hurt and you should not roll with aggro people if you don't have the skill to stuff it. There are things you can do to help you get used to rolling, like any other sport everyone starts off slow. Instead of just jumping into the ocean (mat) full of sharks (aggro senior belts) you can start off with the dolphins (nicer senior belts). Find someone who can roll your speed that is less intimidating and willing to help you, trust me, there are plenty at each gym. Slow rolling is just the same as fast rolling, and you CAN work technique without being vicious! So again, the most important thing about rolling is being smart about it, and keeping a pace that is suitable for you. Rolling increases muscle memory, teaches you how to breath and stay calm, and is the number one way to progress in jiu-jitsu. So put that fear aside, drop that ego...and ROLL!!! Ciao!