Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is it ok for white belts to set goals?

Let's start by defining exactly what a goal is. A goal is the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. So it is safe to say that yes it is absolutely ok for white belts to set goals. The things is, are those goals healthy? A healthy goal is not "I want to beat everyone in my gym by November 2011" or "I will get my blue belt in 2 months" because when we don't obtain them in the time we set forth, we get frustrated and that could lead to a drop in confidence. Often times it becomes an obsession to attain these unrealistic goals. Now you know I am a fan of obsession, but it should be steered in the right direction. Toward goals that lead to your growth like "improve my guard passing" or "work on my take down defense so I can beat that wrestler that killed me at the last tourney" (okay maybe that is only somewhat healthy), but you get the point, lol. The thing is, goals are always ok and they are actually necessary in order to grow in BJJ. Sometimes you will get know-it-alls, envious students, or assholes who will try to tell you what is possible based on their experiences or others. It is important that you learn how to filter what is of value and what is "bullshiet" so that you can better attain your goals. You must be able to recognize that most of Blue Belt Bob's experiences may not match with your goal/skill/expectations, therefore you have to keep the train moving. Everyone will have their opinions and secrets, but try not to buy into all of that. When looking for advice on how to set reasonable goals, look to your instructor or people who allow you to find it on your own, but act as a subtle guide. Thanks for reading. Ciao!