Sunday, July 18, 2010

Revolution Tournament results and lessons.


The Revolution tournament was yesterday and let me tell you it was a blast. For starters Hermes Franca was there, so you know these puppies are starting to get more and more legit every time. There were over 460 competitors, and we saw people from all over the West Coast and even a few teams from Canadia. My jiu jitsu family Gracie Barra-Ballard had about 11 people compete and we brought home 6 medals. Everyone else at least won one match (I was apart of that group). Here are the simplified results:

1. Jeff-2nd purple belt division
2. Eric-3rd purple belt division
3. Brian-3rd purple belt division
4. Nadir-3rd blue belt division
5. Michelle-1st place white belt (women's)
6. John Marques-3rd white belt division


What I learned from my matches

So my overall tournament was decent. In my first match there was a lot I did wrong, plenty I did right (with a few missed steps), and barely anything right. I really learned that your mental game has to be on point or else its pointless to even step out on the mat, cause you already defeated yourself. Losing sleep the night prior, worrying about weight, and dreading if I met a wrestler really drained me mentally and even emotionally. Rather than dictate the pace and work my game, I fell into his game and let him decide how the match was going to end. Obviously a wrestler, the guy managed after about 2 minutes to take me down after I gave him double underhooks. Not being able to control my breathing I was gassed. He basically controlled me and had his way. I was able to try a few things but was so unbelievably tired I was unable to keep it technical. He ended up beating me on points 19-0. He went on to the next round beating a guy 28-0 and armbar'd him to boot. He took second, I went to the losers bracket. The next guy I fought I didn't even give him a chance to take me down, I pulled guard...immediately opened it and ended up in spider guard. I put my foot in his shoulder and threw on the quickest triangle I have ever done. Moral of the story is: Stick with what makes you comfortable as a white belt. I have no stand up, so logically it makes no sense for me to stand up with a guy (especially being in a competition where the goal is to win). Hypothetically speaking, if I would have pulled guard my chances of beating this guy would have have increased drastically. (shoots self in head) I learned a lot, I was able to see my weaknesses and hopefully I will be 10x better by the next competition. US Open in Santa Cruz baby!!!