Thursday, August 5, 2010


Lately I have been noticing what I thought was a reflex problem when rolling with higher belts, but after close examination I just realized they are all psychics...wait what?? Hear me out for a sec, lol. For a long time I was hearing that BJJ was a game of inches, and while that may be the case when you get a little dirt on your belt, that is not the case for a white belt. In my careful observation I have just come to the conclusion that higher belts are psychics, they are able to see my move way before I even think about it. Luring me in with their super mind control powers, then devouring me with their thigh mastered legs and kung fu grips. All jokes aside, BJJ is a game of moves. The further you can think ahead of your opponent, the better you will do. To white belt like myself this means only one thing: there are thousands of techniques for BJJ and millions of variations, to be able to think ahead of first need to catalog those techniques into your head and had to have done them long enough so that they are reactions rather than steps. Daunting. See, to a white belt BJJ is like checkers, no thought really has to go in the game. You react based on the one move your opponent just made...simple. (If you know someone that uses strategy to play checkers, please give them a chess set or a life.) But to most of the higher belts, the game is chess...thinking 5 moves ahead in order to win or in BJJ's case...choke the living shiet out of someone. I have learned that in rolling with a higher belt, not only are they taking advantage of your inexperience, but they always know 3 or 4 things to counter your measly one. What I have found that really works for me is rolling with 2 higher belts during class, then immediately roll with a white belt as good as you. That away you have raw aggression and a few stolen techniques under your belt (no pun intended). Just a thought. Ciao!